Here at Clute we pride ourselves on reporting on just the
facts when it comes to recommending and reviewing local businesses. When it
comes to the difficult and contentious issue of immigration law, we are not
going to delve into the ethics and politics of the subject that so seems to plague
our nation today.
The fact is, immigration law exists, and it is a complicated
and ever-changing maze. There are good, honest people who are in need of legal
experts and lawyers who know what they’re doing to ensure that they are
following the law and will not get into any unneeded trouble with law
enforcement. This goes for those non-citizens that are in our country legally
and business owners who are hoping to hire those workers that may not be
The consequences of not following these laws is just too
great to leave to pure chance. You need professionals working at your behest who
are diligent, caring, and communicative to successfully stay out of the unforgiving
and long-reaching gaze of the law.
To these ends, today we’re profiling a local law firm that
specializes in every facet of immigration law: acquiring green cards and visas
of all kinds, establishing a pathway to citizen ship, and providing employers
with the appropriate documentation that will allow them to work with noncitizen
workers. K Nair Law is the premier immigration law firm of Orange County, providing
dozens of clients the conscientious care that is so necessary in the world of
immigration law.
Kiran Nair, the owner and name holder of the firm, has been
working as an attorney for the better part of 15 years, starting off as a
criminal defense lawyer for a primarily noncitizen client base. Through her
work in criminal defense, she realized she could help more people avoid the
rigors of criminal case hearings by providing them with competent legal
guidance as an immigration
attorney in Orange County, and thus started the K Nair Law Firm.
We realize that, as non-lawyers, it’s easy for use to provide
a recommendation based on the limited work we’ve seen but it may not hold as
much weight as another profession with more readily observable results, like a
landscaping firm. If you are looking for a weightier referral, look no further
than the firm’s Yelp page, where Meghan T., a fellow attorney, provides the
following observation:
K Nair Law Firm is an organization that was built on a passion to help one of the most vulnerable sections of our society, the noncitizens who have fallen through the cracks and are in danger of being reaped by the uncaring scythe of the government. Through this passion, the firm provides dedication to its clientele not often seen from other lawyers in any field, let alone the tumultuous area of immigration.
If you are in need of legal representation or council as a
legal noncitizen, or as an illegal noncitizen who is hoping to get back on
track towards the bounds of the law, please give K Nair Law a call and schedule
a consultation as soon as possible.
Gwen instinctively bit the end of her pen while she waited for her guest to arrive. She had never been interviewed before and despite the fact that she is not a shy person, she speaks publicly in court all the time, she was feeling a little nervous.
Tim walked through the front door under the Immigration Lawyer’s sign and glanced at his watch, oh gosh, he thought, five minutes late how rude.
“Hi, I’m here to speak with Gwen Charm,” he smiled warmly at the receptionist.
“Great, I’ll let her know you’re here,” the blonde receptionist said with a smile.
A minute later a petite brunette emerged from an office. Extending her hand, she said, “Hi, Tim? I’m Gwen it is a pleasure to meet you.”
Tim was awestruck. He had never seen such a beautiful woman before and to make matters worse he was a huge fan of her work. He had no idea how he was going to make it through this interview. He shook her hand and replied, “Gwen it is so nice to meet you, I apologize I’m a little bit tardy.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it, shall we get started?” She replied, directing him into her office. She couldn’t help but notice Tim was quite attractive. She thought, great as if she wasn’t nervous enough.
“So, Gwen I’m here today to talk with you about the work you have done here in Orange County as an immigration attorney. You have made a huge impact on the community and won the hearts of our locals through your selfless work. What would you say is your inspiration?” Tim began, going into reporter mode.
Gwen couldn’t help but blush. “Wow, thank you. I’m not sure what sort of impact I’ve made. I hope it has been a positive one. What I do know is I care very deeply about this community and it is important to me to help those in need. I am inspired every day by the people I meet,” she said.
“That’s amazing,” Tim replied. “Have you always known that you wanted to go into immigration law?”
“Yes, well ever since law school. I worked at an internship that really made me see the importance of immigration law and helping people stand up for themselves. The whole process can be the scariest thing to ever happen in an individual’s life. It is important to me to support and help those in need,” Gwen replied.
Tim was very much enjoying the interview. He continued, “If you had to say, who is your role model?”
Gwen had to think about that one. Finally, she answered, “I guess I would have to say, my mom. When I think back she is the one who taught me to treat others how I wanted to be treated. She taught me to work hard and always stand up for the little guy. I guess you could say she is kind of my moral compass.”
Tim looked at Gwen and took a deep breath. Finally, he knew he had to do it or else he would probably regret it forever. “Last question,” he said, “but this one is off the record. Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?”
Gwen’s mouth formed an O shape in shock then said, “Yes,” with a smile.
Well, that settled it in Tim’s mind, best interview ever!
If you are looking for an immigration lawyer, you can find a great one here:
K Nair Law Group
31897 Del Obispo St Suite 225, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
(949) 493-4150