Confidence from Practical Protection
Small business owners tend to rely on a ‘bark louder than bite’ mentality when it comes to security, placing alarm system placards and large fake security cameras around their facilities in an attempt to dissuade crime. Preemption is always the first line of defense – and it should be. Shop owners #1 concern always is and always should be the safety of their staff but what happens when every store and business in town has the same crime deterrents in the windows? They become invisible. The next line of defense is sound security planning.
As the old adage goes, failing to plan is planning to fail. The same is true in security for knowing where and how big a business’ security liabilities are. An office building may not be at the same risk of armed robbery as a convenience store, however parking structures and stairwells are still points of potential risk. Small businesses fail to consider dangers to their staff until an accident happens. A solid plan goes a long way in this front.
The final and most reliable form of security preparation is personal safety training. The confidence that comes from safely and knowledgeably carrying a legal firearm is unparalleled. Unfortunately, firearm training is not a requirement for gun ownership in the US, but the statistics of gun-related accidents fall precipitously with an increase in educated, responsible ownership. A Concealed Carry Weapons License entitles a gun owner to carry their weapon in a vehicle, bag, or on their person out of the site of the general public (subject to limitations). As a final level of protection, a CCW permit requires an in-depth training course and an application with the local county sheriff’s office. These regulations ensure that CCW holders are safe and effective gun owners with a real need and the tested capability to handle a weapon.
Simply applying for a Conceal Carry Weapons permit does not guarantee the applicant a permit. An experienced CCW training program will help walk individuals through the application process and certify them for the permit. The best CCW training classes prepare students for their permitting process, but more importantly for the logistical safety requirements of being a responsibly armed citizen. Practical shooting training and evaluation are key components of the certification process. The top local CCW 1-day certification program is offered just outside Orange County at a a full-service training and shooting range at Artifex Firearms training center.
Here are some of their most recent reviews online:
I recently took two courses with Ben and Daniel, and the training is as good as it gets. They focus on each individual although it was a group class. It was very helpful. i took quite a few different firearm training courses but they were the best. They are the real guys with the real experience. Very friendly and professional. And the price is very competitive as well. Way to go!
-Daniel L, via Yelp
Excellent firearms training! I took the CCW class with Daniel and was very impressed by his coaching and attitude. I had taken firearms training elsewhere and never had anyone comment on my pistol grip-I just assumed it was fine. Daniel noticed a deficiency in my grip immediately and after correcting it, I felt much more in control of my firearm.
-Chuck B, via Yelp
Check out this month’s featured local business
Artifex Firearms Training
Address: 26741 Portola Pkwy, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610
Hours: 10am-6pm
Phone: (949) 861-0693