So let’s say you run over a pothole in the road, and your car is most definitely not happy about it. Upon taking it to the shop, you realize your car has undergone some considerable damage from the pothole, and the repair won’t be less than a couple grand. Although on one hand, yes maybe you should have noticed the pothole. However, it is also the responsibility of the city to properly maintain potholes for the safety of the community. You’re not the “I’m gonna sue you” type…when considering the cost of a lawyer, you even considering just giving up the couple grand and moving on. However, your family and friends are on the same page — this is not a repair that you should have to pay for.
Tentatively, you begin the search for a local lawyer….but you feel kind of out of your league. How can you tell whether or not a law office is good just from their website? What is a “normal amount” for a lawyer to charge for these kinds of cases? Are super affordable lawyers not the best idea because they might be more likely to lose to a more expensive lawyer?
Luckily, there are companies that understand how confusing this process can be. After all, most people who need lawyers are not experts in the art of the law — they need people who can break it down for them. Villasenor Law Offices offer services like these, and they keep their services broad. Although some law offices limit themselves to super specific case types like entertainment or automobile, the Villasenor lawyers keep their options open for the benefit of their clients.
Since they have lawyers that specialize in business, real estate, and personal injury law, they have provided an incredible economic boost to the community. Their target client (and the client who tends to benefit the most from them) is the small business, and it is a perfect example of a mutually beneficial relationship. Based in San Diego, the attorneys at Villasenor Law Offices keep their prices competitive while still providing high-quality services to their clients, they are the perfect legal consultant for up-and-coming business owners. Whether a customer slipped on a piece of ice or you need a legal consult on a real estate venture, Villasenor offices can absolutely provide you with the kind of help you need.
Even if you don’t necessarily have any situations that require legal consult, it’s good business to already be in contact with law offices as you compile employee contracts, tax documents, etc. And the search can be daunting, especially with the way Google can overwhelm you with many more options than you could’ve asked for. Most offices can give you a general (free) description of what kind of services they offer, the average cost depending on what you’re looking for, and an honest opinion of whether or not they would be a fit for your budget.
So whether or not you need one right at this moment, Villasenor Law Offices would be a good place to start if you’re looking for some solid legal consultation.
Gwen instinctively bit the end of her pen while she waited for her guest to arrive. She had never been interviewed before and despite the fact that she is not a shy person, she speaks publicly in court all the time, she was feeling a little nervous.
Tim walked through the front door under the Immigration Lawyer’s sign and glanced at his watch, oh gosh, he thought, five minutes late how rude.
“Hi, I’m here to speak with Gwen Charm,” he smiled warmly at the receptionist.
“Great, I’ll let her know you’re here,” the blonde receptionist said with a smile.
A minute later a petite brunette emerged from an office. Extending her hand, she said, “Hi, Tim? I’m Gwen it is a pleasure to meet you.”
Tim was awestruck. He had never seen such a beautiful woman before and to make matters worse he was a huge fan of her work. He had no idea how he was going to make it through this interview. He shook her hand and replied, “Gwen it is so nice to meet you, I apologize I’m a little bit tardy.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it, shall we get started?” She replied, directing him into her office. She couldn’t help but notice Tim was quite attractive. She thought, great as if she wasn’t nervous enough.
“So, Gwen I’m here today to talk with you about the work you have done here in Orange County as an immigration attorney. You have made a huge impact on the community and won the hearts of our locals through your selfless work. What would you say is your inspiration?” Tim began, going into reporter mode.
Gwen couldn’t help but blush. “Wow, thank you. I’m not sure what sort of impact I’ve made. I hope it has been a positive one. What I do know is I care very deeply about this community and it is important to me to help those in need. I am inspired every day by the people I meet,” she said.
“That’s amazing,” Tim replied. “Have you always known that you wanted to go into immigration law?”
“Yes, well ever since law school. I worked at an internship that really made me see the importance of immigration law and helping people stand up for themselves. The whole process can be the scariest thing to ever happen in an individual’s life. It is important to me to support and help those in need,” Gwen replied.
Tim was very much enjoying the interview. He continued, “If you had to say, who is your role model?”
Gwen had to think about that one. Finally, she answered, “I guess I would have to say, my mom. When I think back she is the one who taught me to treat others how I wanted to be treated. She taught me to work hard and always stand up for the little guy. I guess you could say she is kind of my moral compass.”
Tim looked at Gwen and took a deep breath. Finally, he knew he had to do it or else he would probably regret it forever. “Last question,” he said, “but this one is off the record. Would you like to go to dinner with me sometime?”
Gwen’s mouth formed an O shape in shock then said, “Yes,” with a smile.
Well, that settled it in Tim’s mind, best interview ever!
If you are looking for an immigration lawyer, you can find a great one here:
K Nair Law Group
31897 Del Obispo St Suite 225, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
(949) 493-4150