Local Law Firm On A Mission

The character Atticus Finch inspires generations of aspiring attorneys to stand up for the defenseless and uphold the law by protecting the innocent. In recent decades the insurance industry has boomed off the press received by a few fringe cases. ‘Surgery gone wrong’ ‘Real Estate Scams’ ‘Negligent nurses’ or ‘Corrupt CPAs’ sure make for catchy headlines, regardless of their rarity. These tabloid-type stories smearing the licensed professional labor force have only fueled the climb in malpractice and professional liability insurance premiums.  Fortunately the generation of Atticus-inspired attorneys continues to grow, defending hyper-scrutinized professions from predatory bureaus, boards and licensing bodies.

As the Bureau of Labor statistics, only 17.6% of the American population hold licenses or professional certifications. This means that a very narrow sect of the population are performing some of the most highly-skilled, technical work in the country. Keeping these professionals in business is key to the success and mobility of the middle class into higher paying positions – not to mention the jobs created by these licensed individuals. With this in mind, it is the mission of occupational license lawyers to keep the doors open for highly-skilled professionals.

When interviewed about the practices of the various governing bodies that control the majority of licenses and certificates in the state of California, one local law firm expressed serious concern at the severity of the terms and conditions typically set down on the license holder. The value of litigating this experience is that a competent legal team can often get these restrictions reduced or eliminated entirely. When the ultimate goal is to keep doctors,, realtors, accountants, and nurses in business helping the community. Minor infractions should not stand in the way of local economies.


The truth is, with quality representation and a good case, we can achieve great results, sometimes even better than the best that the board is willing to offer.  In some of our cases, we recommend settlement, and it’s only through our intervention that the board is even willing to offer a settlement.  The only way to know for sure is to consult with an attorney who regularly appears at administrative hearings at the Office of Administrative Hearings.  Don’t be pressured into giving up a license or into taking a settlement offer without first talking to an experienced professional license defense attorney.

Of course a license or state certification comes with a degree of responsibility and liability that should be held to the ethical standards of the profession. It is in pursuit of justice and legal righteousness that the Atticus Finch generation represent their clients. According to licensing bureaus, professional integrity must be maintained by a piece of paper. It is the role of the license defense lawyer to keep professionals from falling victim to the bureaucratic penal system. Like Atticus Finch famously said, “Our courts have their faults as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal.” It is therefore paramount that the professional field seek quality legal representation when the deck is stacked against them by the administrative powers that be. Fate smiles on the hero that defends the disadvantaged.